This morning I got to spend some one-on-one time with Nolan, my 9-month-old. Lauren left the house with Hudson to go serve some people with a few of the ladies from our small group, and it was my responsibility to take care of Nolan and make sure he got his morning nap. So Nolan and I did our, as of late, usual dance at the breakfast table/smile at each other for 15 minutes. He’s probably the cutest kid there is. After I cleaned his hands and face, I sat him down on our area rug in the middle of the living room and strategically surrounded him with his toys. I had just made myself some coffee in my Chemex -the perfect morning companion. Nolan was playing well by himself and it felt like the perfect time for me to do some reading. Keyword is, “felt.” Countless times I had to put my book down to go grab my army crawling son because he had made his way to an outlet (child proof, but non-the-less, dangerous), various electronic power cords, the bathroom (what is it with kids and the bathroom anyways?), or some other place of danger. It seemed that I couldn’t read a paragraph before I’d have to chase him down and put him back at the center of the living room. Each time I grabbed him I would say something along the lines of, “No, Nolan. You play with these toys. They are safe for you.” After being three pages into my book I had made about 10,000 trips from the couch to my wandering son. The last time I put him in the middle of the room, I noticed that he was breathing pretty heavily. He was whimpering a little and started whining at my feet. I’m sure he was worn out from all of his failed attempts to gnaw on power chords. As I reached down to pick him up, the Spirit reminded me of these words from from the prophet Isaiah.
“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David” (Isaiah 55:1-3).
Nolan was tired, “laboring” for things that wouldn’t satisfy, and in the end, could have hurt him badly. I had a banquet of toys waiting for him to play with in the middle of the room if he would just listen to me. How often do you find yourself striving for stuff that won’t satisfy? Money, the newest iPhone, approval from peers, the perfect relationship etc. Stop chasing after “that which is not bread,” quit working your fingers to the bone for “that which does not satisfy,” and quit fighting for God’s approval. Christ has already won God’s approval for us on the cross. Come to Jesus. He is the Bread of Life. We were made to be fully satisfied in Him, and he alone can satisfy our restless souls (Psalm 16:11). As Nolan whimpered at his daddy’s feet, we too must tap out, give up on our selfish pursuits, and cry out to the Father.
so good! this somehow feels like a lesson i’ve learned time and time again. in fact i need this reminder every day. its so easy to see when its a child or even a peer that chasing the wrong things won’t satisfy, yet so hard to see in our own.