The weekend worship service is all and only about glorifying God, through finding our utmost joy in God, growing in our understanding of him, and learning the desires of his heart. One of the primary means of loving God is by letting his Word, namely the gospel, dwell in us richly. Colossians 3:16 gives us this command, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” This weekend worship preview serves to help the word of Christ dwell in you richly at all times, and to give you a taste of how I pick songs for the church I get to lead worship at.
“Here For You” – Matt Redman
(Call to Continued Worship/Adoration)
As created beings, we exist for our Creator. ”Here for You” calls us to remember that we exist for the continued worship of Jesus Christ. Join creation’s song with us as we “welcome [God] with praise” Sunday morning!
“Never Once” – Matt Redman
(Assurance of Faith)
Since the beginning of creation, God has been making promises that he always keeps. The New Testament tells us that “all the promises of God find their ‘Yes’ in Christ” (2 Cor. 1:20). Through all of life we can cling to God’s promise to sustain, provide, and walk along side us, no matter what trials we face. As a church we declare, “Never once did we ever walk alone, never once did you leave us on our own. You are faithful; God you are faithful!”
“Cornerstone” – Hillsong United
(Union With Christ)
As we just declared in “Never Once,” we will not be left or forsaken by our God. We have hope that is built on something solid, the gospel of Jesus Christ. ”Cornerstone” takes the old Hymn “On Christ the Solid Rock,” and adds the following chorus: “Christ alone, cornerstone, weak made strong in the Saviors love. Through the storm, he is Lord -Lord of all!” What a great God we worship! What a great Savior we adore! What a great hope we have that transcends our circumstances. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we have union with God. It’s good for us to revel in that union and celebrate the relationship with God that Christ has made right once and for all.
“Forever Reign” – Hillsong United
(Song of Mission & Sending)
We have been saved to be sent. We have gathered as the church to scatter as the church in our community. We take the hope we have received to those who desperately need it, and we do it for the name and fame of Jesus who deserves to be worshipped by all! ”Light of the world, forever reign!”