Here’s just a peak into my life as of late.

I’ve been SO busy lately (yup, a capital S-O).  I’m an American and we idolize business, right?  It’s true, I do in fact find myself in the trap of idolizing business, but in this particular season of my life I feel like I am busy with all the right things.  You know, not just good things but God things.

Here’s just a 30,000ft glance of four big things that are happening or getting ready to happen:

1. Lauren and I are expecting the arrival of our first child in less than a month -it’s still pretty cray-cray to think about.

2. Lauren and I are looking at potentially selling our current house and buying a larger home.  There is SO much that goes into this process and even though we have purchased a home before, we’ve never had to sell before and I feel like an absolute noob.

3. CrossPoint Salina, the church where I get to serve, seems to be at a tipping point of growth both deeper into Christ and further into the mission field of reaching more and more people. I’d say that there is a good possibility we will double from about 200 to 400 people in the next year or so.  That’s me trying to be  realistic, not just a wishful thinker (we’ve gone from about 35 to 200 people in the barely three years I’ve been here).

4. I’m getting organized to lead three weeks of church camp with an actual band (something I’ve never done) and we’re getting ready to work on raising close to $10,000 in funds to record our first full length album.  Yikes.

In view of all this and perhaps a bit more, I wrote in my journal this morning,

“I feel so excited, terrified, anxious, and helpless about life right now.  The potential for music stuff is higher than it’s ever been (with camps and fund raising for a full length album).  The potential for me to learn how to love is higher than ever (with a newborn on the way and a wife who is now a mother of a newborn).  The potential for crosspoint Salina is greater than ever (with SO many transitions we are making as a church, numerical growth, and the DNA of this new church plant starting to get more and more established).

The potential for failure is greater than ever.  The potential for fear and anxiety is greater than ever.  BUT the potential for God’s saving, sustaining, and sanctifying grace is greater than ever, and that’s all that really matters.”

The potentials in life, weather good or bad, exciting or terrifying, aren’t meant to point us inward to find some sort of “strength within.”  No, the potentials in life are designed to point us to the sure hope in the gospel and to form in us a firmer trust in God’s sovereignty.


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